
::: 專任教師

潘雪幸 系主任兼所長

潘雪幸 系主任兼所長      
Hsueh-Hsing Pan


國防醫學院護理學系教授暨系主任, 所長










1. 虛擬實境模擬體驗於腫瘤護理人員癌症精準醫療課程之研發、執行、評值及推展(主持人,110-111年科技部專題研究計畫,MOST 110-2511-H-016-001)
2. 虛擬實境體驗學習融入護生癌症課程之成效(主持人,110-111年教育部實踐研究計畫,PMN1100741)
3. 國軍護理人員面對災難的準備度與因應能力之探討(主持人,111年國防研究計畫,MND-MAB-D-111108)
4. 護理人員對照護末期病人的自覺準備度與照護需求之混合式研究(共同主持人,110年三總民診研究計畫,TSGH-E-110250)
5. 大腸直腸癌病人自尊與疾病接受度之研究(共同主持人,109-110年三總民診研究計畫,TSGH-E109-251, TSGH-E-110254)
6. 癌末病人安寧療護適時介入之相關研究(主持人,110年三總民診研究計畫,TSGH-E-110256)
7. 國軍人員專業生活品質模式之建構(主持人,110年國防研究計畫,MND-MAB-110097)
8. 結合團隊導向學習和翻轉教室有效教導醫學生心電圖知識(共同主持人,108-109年教育部實踐研究計畫)
9. 以多面向指標評估改良式論壇課程執行成效(共同主持人,107-109年科技部專題研究計畫,107-2511-H-016 -002 -MY2)
10. 乳癌病人自尊及心理調適之相關因素探討(主持人,109年國防振興合作研究計畫, CHNDMC-109-10)


1. Tsai, P. L., Kuo, T. T., Ku, C. H., Liao, G. S., Lin C. K., & Pan, H. H.*(2021). Self-esteem as a predictor of mental adjustment in patients with breast cancer. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 182, 2588. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312588 (SCI, 2020 IP=3.390, Ranking=41/176=23.3%, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)本人為責任作者
2. Chang, L. F., Wu, L. F., Lin, C., K., Ho, C. L., Hung, Y. C., & Pan, H. H.*(2021). Inpatient hospice palliative care unit and palliative consultation service enhance comprehensive quality of life outcomes in terminally ill cancer patients: A prospective longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 4926. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094926 (SCI, 2020 IP=3.390, Ranking=41/176=23.3%, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)本人為責任作者
3. Chang, L. F., Lin, C., K., Wu, L. F., Ho, C. L., Lu, Y. L., & Pan, H. H.*(2021). Mental adjustment as a predictor of comprehensive quality of life outcome among patients with terminal cancer. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 4926. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094926 (SCI, 2020 IP=3.390, Ranking=41/176=23.3%, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)本人為責任作者
4. Wu, L. F., Lin, C., Hung, Y. C., Chang, L. F., Ho, C. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2020). The effect of practice toward do-not-resuscitate among Taiwanese nursing staff using path modeling. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6350. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17176350 (SCI, 2019 IP=2.468, Ranking=58/193=30%, PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)本人為第一作者
5. Wu, L. F., Lin, C., Hung, Y. C., Chang, L. F., Ho, C. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2020). Effectiveness of palliative care consultation service on caregiver burden over time between terminally ill cancer and non-cancer family caregivers. Supportive Care in Cancer. doi.org/10.1007/s00520-020-05449-2 (SCI, original article, 2019 IP=2.635, Ranking=12/68= 17.6%, REHABILIZATION) 本人為責任作者
6. Lu, M. H., Weng, L. T., Chen, Y. L., Lin, C., Wang, C. H., & Pan, H. H.* (2020). Predictors of professional quality of life among nursing staff following the Taiwan Formosa Fun Coast Explosion. BURNS, 46, 423-429. (SCI, original article, 2019 IP=2.066, Ranking=91/210=43.3%, SURGERY) 本人為責任作者
7. Wang, W. Y., Chu, C. M., Wu, Y. S., Sung, C. S., Ho, S. T., Pan, H. H., & Wang, K. Y. (2019). Evaluation of pain intensity differences among hospitalized cancer patients based on a nursing information system. PLOS ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222516本人為第六作者
8. Wang, C. Y., Pan, H. H., Chang, C. C., & Lin, C. K. (2018). Outcomes of hypogastric artery ligation and transcatheter uterine artery embolization in women with postpartum hemorrhage. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 58, 72-76. (SCI, original article) 本人為第二作者
9. Chen, Y. L., Lu, M. H., Weng, L. T., Lin, C., Huang, P. W., Wan, C. H., & Pan, H. H.* (2018). A correlational study of acute stress and resilience among hospitalized burn victims following the Taiwan Formosa Fun Coast Explosion. Clinical Nursing Research. doi: 10.1177/1054773818793599 (SCI, original article, 2019 IF=1.538, Ranking=51/123, NURSING) 本人為責任作者
10. Pan, H. H.*, Shih, H. L., Wu, L. F., Hung, Y. C., Chu, C. M., & Wang, K. Y. (2017). Path modeling of knowledge, attitude and practice toward palliative care consultation service among Taiwanese nursing staff: A cross-sectional study. BMC Palliative Care, 16(1), 42. doi: 10.1186/s12904-017-0228-6. (SSCI, original article, 2019 IF=2.015, Ranking=39/87, HEALTH POLICY & SERVICES)本人為第一及責任作者
11. Pan, H. H.*, Wu, L. F., Hung, Y. C., Chu, C. M., & Wang, K. Y. (2017). Long-term effectiveness of two educational methods on knowledge, attitude, and practice toward palliative care consultation services among nursing staff: A longitudinal follow up study. Clinical Nursing Research, 1-14. doi: 10.1177/1054773817692082 (SCI, original article, 2018IF=1.5, Ranking=42/120, NURSING)本人為第一及責任作者
12. Pan, H. H., Chu, C. H., Wu, L. F., Hsieh, P. C., Chang, K. C., & Li, C. Y. (2016). Predictors for reconstruction and mood disorder associated with reconstruction in patients with breast cancer and mastectomy: A retrospective cohort study. Medicine, 95(3), e2510. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000002510 (SCI, original article, 2018IF=1.87, Ranking=69/160, MEDICINE, GENERAL, & INTERNAL)本人為第一作者
13. Wu, L. F., Chu, C. M., Chen, Y. G., Ho, C. L., Pan, H. H.* (2016). Relationship between palliative care consultation service and end-of-life outcomes. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), 53-60. doi: 10.1007/s00520-015-2741-6 (SCI, original article, 2019 IP=2.635, Ranking=12/68= 17.6%, REHABILIZATION)本人為責任作者

近五年Original article
1. Weng, L. T., Lo, Y. F., Chang, B. C., Chang, L. F., Chen, S. C., & Pan, H. H. (2021). Exploration of stress on emergency and critical care nurses facing COVID-19. Chinese Journal of Occuaptional Medicine, 28(4), 299-308. [翁玲子、蔬維芬、張寶琪、張瓈方、陳淑貞、潘雪幸(2021).急重症護理人員面對新冠肺炎的壓力及其相關因素探討.中華職業醫學雜誌,28(4),299-308。] 本人為責任作者
2. Lu, M. C., Weng, L. T., Chang, L. F., & Pan, H. H.*(2021). Exploration of perceived stress on nursing staffs caring for patients with COVID-19 in a medical center of northern Taiwan. Yuan-Yuan Nursing(Accepted)[呂旻瑾、翁玲子、張瓈方、潘雪幸*(2021).北部某醫學中心照顧新冠肺炎護理人員自覺壓力之相關因素探討.源遠護理(已接受)]
3. Pan, H. H., Chen, H. H., Lee, Y. F., Lin, W. Y., Liou, J. T., Lin, W. S., Cheng, S. M., Cha, T. L., Lin, S. H., Lin, C. S., & Cheng, C. Y. (2020). A debate forum curriculum to cultivate critical thinking skills for medical students. Journal of Medical Education, 24(3), 150-163. 本人為第一作者
4. Chen, W. C., Pan, H. H., Liu, S. C., Chen, J. H., Hueng, D. Y., Chang, F. W., & Ou, S. H. (2020). Behavior intention and its associated factors of healthcare professionals to withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment in terminal ill patients in an outlying island hospital. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care, 24(2), 101-115.[陳婉君、潘雪幸、劉淑皎、陳佳宏、洪東源、張芳維、歐淑華(2020).某離島醫護人員對末期病人撤除維生醫療行為意向及其相關因素探討.安寧療護雜誌,24(2),101-115。] 本人為第二及作者
5. Wu, L. F., Shih, H. L., Chang, H. C., Chen, Y. G., Ho, C. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2019). Enhance the quality and effectiveness of the nursing education of dying phase preparation. Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care, 23(2), 141-154. Doi:10.6537/TJHPC.201906_23(2).03本人為責任作者
6. Weng, L. T., Chen, Y. L., Lu, M. H., Hung, P. W., & Pan, H. H.*(2017). Caregiver burden among nursing staff caring for patients injured in the Formosa Fun Coast explosion. Chinese Journal of Occupational Medicine, 24(3), 191-202. (In Chinese, original article) 本人為責任作者
7. Chang, L. F., Lin, H. M., Su, C. K., & Pan, H. H.* (2017). Effectiveness of different nursing education programs to reduce anxiety undergoing gastroscopy among inpatient. Yuan-Yuan Nursing, 11(2), 23-29. 本人為責任作者
8. Chen, H. H., Pan, H. H., Hsu, Y. D., Cheng, C. Y., Wu, C. H., Lin, W. S., …Lin, C.S. (2016). Flipped classroom as an effective model to teach electrocardiography to undergraduate medical student. Journal of Medical Education, 20(4), 6-14. (In English, original article) 本人為共同第一作者
9. Lai, H. W., Chen, Y. F., Tsai, Y. L., Chang, M. M., & Pan, H. H.* (2016). Effects of palliative care consultation service on knowledge of hospice care or combined hospice care on consent for palliative care among terminal cancer patients. Yuan-Yuan Nursing, 10(2), 33-38. doi: 10.6530/YYN/2016.1.3 (In Chinese, original article) 本人為責任作者

近五年case report/review article
1. Chen, S. Y., & Pan, H. H.*(2021). Nursing experience of applying Swanson Caring Theory to a patient with breast cancer recurrence, multiple metastases and pleural effusion, Yuan-Yuan Nursing, 15(1), 52-59. [陳思穎、潘雪幸*(2021).運用關懷理論照顧一位乳癌復發多處轉移合併肋膜積液病人的護理經驗.源遠護理,15(1),52-59。https://doi.org/10.6530/YYN.202103_15(1).0007] 本人為責任作者
2. Huang, C. W., & Pan, H. H.* (2021). Nursing experience of body image disturbance of an oral cancer patient with poor wound healing. Chang Gung Nursing, 32(1), 115-124. (In Chinese, case report)[黃敬雯、潘雪幸* (2020).照顧一位口腔癌病人傷口癒合不良導致身體心像紊亂之護理經驗.長庚護理,32(1), 115-124。] 本人為責任作者
3. Lu, Y. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2020). Nursing experience of applying the Reinforcement Theory to the patient with colorectal cancer combined with ostomy. Chang Gung Nursing, 31(3), 438-448. (In Chinese, case report)[盧怡伶、潘雪幸* (2020).運用強化理論照護一位大腸直腸癌造口留置病人之護理經驗.長庚護理,31(3),438-44。] doi: 10.6386/CGN.202009_31(3).0012本人為責任作者
4. Ye, B. C., Liaw, J. J., & Pan, H. H.* (2020). Nursing experience of applying Swanson’s Caring Theory for a patient newly diagnosed with malignant lymphoma and diabetes mellitus. Chang Gung Nursing, 31(1), 90-99. (In Chinese, case report)[葉秉宬、廖珍娟、潘雪幸* (2020).以Swanson關懷理論照護一位初次同時診斷淋巴癌及糖尿病病人之護理經驗.長庚護理,31(1),90-99。] 本人為責任作
5. Tsai, P. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2020). Nursing experience involving the application of Caring Theory to terminal patients with colon cancer combined lung metastases who was experiencing physical and mental suffering. Chang Gung Nursing, 31(1), 123-133. (In Chinese, case report)[蔡沛伶、潘雪幸*(2020).運用關懷理論照護一位大腸癌合併肺轉移末期病人身心受苦之護理經驗.長庚護理,31(1),123-133。] 本人為責任作者
6. 洪玉純、張煦婕、潘雪幸*(2020).照顧一位胃癌末期合併腸躁症病人的護理經驗.源遠護理,14(1),56-61。doi: 10.6530/YYN.202003_14(1).0007本人為責任作者
7. Wu, L. F., Chang, N. W., & Pan, H. H.* (2018). Happiness: A concept analysis. Chang Gung Nursing, 29(4), 533-541. (In Chinese, review article) 本人為責任作者
24. Hung, Y. C., Liu, P. C., Wu, L. F., Chang, H. C., Ho, C. L., Pan, H. H.* (2017). Nursing care of malignant fungating wound. The Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(2), 49-62. (In Chinese, review article) 本人為責任作者
8. Chou, Y. Y., Shih, H. L., Chang, H. C., Pan, H. H.* (2017). Anticipatory grief in patients with end-stage uterine carcinosarcoma a nursing experience The Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(2), 107-119. 本人為責任作者
9. Lin, Y. S., Chang, H. C., Shih, H. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2017). A hospice combined care experience for an end-stage uterine carcinosarcoma patient. The Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(1), 49-62. (In Chinese, case report) 本人為責任作者
10. Cheng, W. S., Shih, H. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2017). Hospice nursing experience for a terminal breast cancer patient in dealing with hopelessness. The Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(1), 79-92. (In Chinese, case report) 本人為責任作者
11. Chiang, W. T., Shih, H. L., & Pan, H. H.* (2016). Nursing experience of a breast cancer patient with multiple metastasis receiving hospice care. The Journal of Oncology Nursing, 14(2), 79-92. (In Chinese, case report) 本人為責任作者
12. Wu, L. F., Hung, Y. C., Chen, Y. G., Ho, C. L., Chang, N. W., & Pan, H. H.* (2016). Withdrawing life-sustaining treatment in terminal illness patients: An experience of intervention with combined hospice care in a tertiary medical center. The Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(2), 5-14. doi:10.3966/168395442016121602001 (In Chinese, case report) 本人為責任作者

  • 更新日期:2024-02-22