
::: 專任教師

張永龍 副教授兼主任

張永龍 副教授兼主任      
Chang, Yung-Lung




11490 台北市內湖區民權東路六段161號7樓
辦公室: 7309室
(02)8792-3100 ext 18800
實驗室: 7308室
(02)8792-3100 ext 18799












2018-2020 科技部 專題研究計畫 — 探討低氧誘發蛋白(HIF1α)在人類皮膚黑色素細胞瘤中調控蘋果酸酶之機制
2018 教育部 教學實踐研究計畫 — 學思達教學法應用於醫學院二年級學生分子生物學課程之行動研究
2018 國防部 國防醫學研究計畫 — 蘋果酸酶在MYC致癌基因驅使麩醯胺酸代謝之角色


Lu GY, Liu ST, Huang SM, Chang YL and Lin WS (2014) Multiple effects of digoxin on subsets of cancer-associated genes through the alternative splicing pathway, Biochimie, 106, 131-139 (co-corresponding author) (IF = 2.963; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 128/290 =44.1%)

Chang, Y. L., Gao, H. W., Chiang, C. P., Wang, W. M., Huang, S. M., Ku, C. F., Liu, G. Y., & Hung, H. C. (2015). Human mitochondrial NAD(P)(+)-dependent malic enzyme participates in cutaneous melanoma progression and invasion. J Invest Dermatol, 135(3), 807-815. (IF = 6.287; Dermatology, 2/63 =3.2%)

Chu, Y. W., Liu, S. T., Cheng, H. C., Huang, S. M., Chang, Y. L., Chiang, C. P., Liu, Y. C., & Wang, W. M. (2015). Opposing Effects of Zac1 and Curcumin on AP-1-Regulated Expressions of S100A7. PLoS One, 10(12), e0144175. (IF = 2.806; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 15/64 =23.4%)

Hung, C. T., Huang, S. M., Cheng, H. C., Liu, S. T., Chang, Y. L., Liu, Y. C., & Wang, W. M. (2015). The inhibitory mechanism by curcumin on the Zac1-enhanced cyclin D1 expression in human keratinocytes. J Dermatol Sci, 79(3), 262-267. (IF = 3.733; Dermatology, 7/63 =11.1%)

Cheng, C. P., Huang, L. C., Chang, Y. L., Hsieh, C. H., Huang, S. M., & Hueng, D. Y. (2016). The mechanisms of malic enzyme 2 in the tumorigenesis of human gliomas. Oncotarget, 7(27), 41460-41472. (IF = 5.168; Oncology, 44/217 =20.3%)

Shih, C. C., Liao, M. H., Hsiao, T. S., Hii, H. P., Shen, C. H., Chen, S. J., Ka, S. M., Chang, Y. L., & Wu, C. C. (2016). Procainamide Inhibits DNA Methylation and Alleviates Multiple Organ Dysfunction in Rats with Endotoxic Shock. PLoS One, 11(9), e0163690. (IF = 2.806; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 15/64 =23.4%)

Chang, Y. L., Huang, L. C., Chen, Y. C., Wang, Y. W., Hueng, D. Y., & Huang, S. M. (2017). The synergistic effects of valproic acid and fluvastatin on apoptosis induction in glioblastoma multiforme cell lines. Int J Biochem Cell Biol, 92, 155-163. (IF = 3.505; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 95/290 =32.8%)

Chen, W. L., Huang, A. F., Huang, S. M., Ho, C. L., Chang, Y. L., & Chan, J. Y. (2017). CD164 promotes lung tumor-initiating cells with stem cell activity and determines tumor growth and drug resistance via Akt/mTOR signaling. Oncotarget, 8(33), 54115-54135. (IF = 5.168; Oncology, 44/217 =20.3%)

Chung, M. H., Wang, Y. W., Chang, Y. L., Huang, S. M., & Lin, W. S. (2017). Risk of cancer in patients with heart failure who use digoxin: a 10-year follow-up study and cell-based verification. Oncotarget, 8(27), 44203-44216. (IF = 5.168; Oncology, 44/217 =20.3%)

Hsu, Y. J., Hsu, S. C., Hsu, C. P., Chen, Y. H., Chang, Y. L., Sadoshima, J., Huang, S. M., Tsai, C. S., & Lin, C. Y. (2017). Sirtuin 1 protects the aging heart from contractile dysfunction mediated through the inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis in cardiac-specific Sirtuin 1 knockout mouse model. Int J Cardiol, 228, 543-552. (IF = 6.189; Oncology, 16/126 =12.7%)

Hsu, Y. J., Hsu S. C., Chang Y. L., Huang S. M., Shih C. C., Tsai C. S., & Lin C. Y. (2018). Indoxyl sulfate upregulates the cannabinoid type 1 receptor gene via an ATF3/c-Jun complex-mediated signaling pathway in the model of uremic cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol, 252, 128-135. (IF = 6.189; Oncology, 16/126 =12.7%)

Chang, Y. L., Liu S. T., Wang Y. W., Lin W. S., & Huang S. M. (2018). Amiodarone promotes cancer cell death through elevated truncated SRSF3 and downregulation of miR-224. Oncotarget, 9(17), 13390-13406. (IF = 5.168; Oncology, 44/217 =20.3%)

Chang, Y. L., Jian K. R., Lin C. S., Wang H. W., & Liu S. C. (2018). Dexamethasone attenuates methacholine-mediated aquaporin 5 downregulation in human nasal epithelial cells via suppression of NF-kappaB activation. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol, 8(1), 64-71. (IF = 2.135; Otorhinolaryngology, 11/42 =26.2%)

Kuo, Chun Lin; Liu, Shu Ting; Chang, Yung Lung; Wu, Chia Chun; Huang, Shih Ming. (2018). Zac1 regulates IL-11 expression in osteoarthritis. Oncotarget, 9, 32478-32495. (IF = 5.168; Oncology, 44/217 =20.3%)

Hsieh Li, Shu Man; Liu, Shu Ting; Chang, Yung Lung; Ho, Ching Liang; Huang, Shih Ming. (2018). Metformin causes cancer cell death through downregulation of p53-dependent differentiated embryo chondrocyte 1. Journal of Biomedical Science. 25:81 (IF = 3.466; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 46/133 =26.2%)

  • 更新日期:2019-10-03