

植田 弘師 講座教授

植田 弘師 講座教授      
Hiroshi Ueda


國防醫學院 教授




日本 京都大學 藥學博士
日本 京都大學 藥學碩士
日本 京都大學 藥學學士


1981-1983日本 横濱市立大學醫學部 助理教授
1983-1991日本 京都大學藥學研究科 助理教授
1991-1996日本 横濱市立大學醫學部 副教授
1996-2019日本 長崎大學醫牙藥學綜合研究科 主任教授
2017-2018加拿大 McGill大學 客座教授
2017-2019日本 京都大學藥學研究科 合作教授
2017-2019日本 京都府立醫科大學 客座教授
2019-2021日本 京都大學藥學研究科 研究員
2019.05.30日本 長崎大學 名譽教授
2019~ 日本 生產發展科學研究所 學術顧問・高級研究員
2022~ 國防醫學院 講座教授








1981 Prize of Encouragement from the Society for Japanese Pharmaceutical Sciences
1986 The Pharmacological Society of Japan Award for Young Scientists
2019 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Award
2022 Gayle A.Olson & Richard D Olson Prize 2020

代表性研究原著論文 (in total 243)

1. Yamashita, S., Dozono, N., Tobori, S., Nagayasu, K., Kaneko, S., Shirakawa, H., & Ueda, H. (2023). Peripheral Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptors Mediate the Sympathetic Efferent Activation from Central Nervous System to Splenocytes in a Mouse Model of Fibromyalgia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(4), 3465.

2.Ueda, H. (2023). Non-Vesicular Release of Alarmin Prothymosin α Complex Associated with Annexin-2 Flop-Out. Cells, 12(12), 1569.

3.Ueda, H. (2023). Prothymosin α Plays Role as a Brain Guardian through Ecto-F1 ATPase-P2Y12 Complex and TLR4/MD2. Cells, 12(3), 496.

4.Ueda, H. (2022). Prothymosin α-derived hexapeptide prevents the brain damage and sequelae due to ischemia-hemorrhage. Peptides, 170922.

5.Neyama H, Nishiyori M, Yilong Cui YL, Watanabe Y, Hiroshi Ueda H. Lysophosphatidic acid receptor type-1 mediates brain activation in micro-positron emission tomography analysis in a fibromyalgia-like mouse model. Eur J Neurosci. 2022 in press (DOI: 10.1111/ejn.15729)

6. Matsunaga H, Halder SK, Ueda H. Annexin A2 Flop-Out Mediates the Non-Vesicular Release of DAMPs/Alarmins from C6 Glioma Cells Induced by Serum-Free Conditions. Cells. 10 (3): 567, 2021

7. Ueda H, Dozono N, Tanaka K, Kaneko S, Neyama H, Uchida H. Allodynia by Splenocytes From Mice With Acid-Induced Fibromyalgia-Like Generalized Pain and Its Sexual Dimorphic Regulation by Brain Microglia. Front Neurosci. 14: 600166, 2020

8. Ueda H, Neyama H, Matsushita Y. Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 1- and 3-Mediated Hyperalgesia and Hypoalgesia in Diabetic Neuropathic Pain Models in Mice. Cells. 9: E1906, 2020

9. Neyama H, Dozono N, Uchida H, Ueda H. Mirtazapine, an α2 antagonist-type antidepressant reverses pain and lack of morphine analgesia in fibromyalgia-like mouse models. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 375: 1-9, 2020

10. Neyama H, Dozono N, Ueda H. NR2A-NMDA receptor blockade reverses the lack of morphine analgesia without affecting chronic pain status in fibromyalgia-like mouse model. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 373: 103-112, 2020

11. Xie K, Masuho I, Shih CC, Cao Y, Sasaki K,Lai CW, Han PL, Ueda H, Dessauer CW, Ehrlich ME, Xu B, Willardson BM, Martemyanov KA: Stable G protein-effector complexes in striatal neurons: mechanism of assembly and role in neurotransmitter signaling. eLIFE. 4: e10451, 2015

12. Jia N, Nakazawa Y, Guo C, Shimada M, Sethi M, Takahashi Y, Ueda H, Nagayama Y ,Ogi T: A rapid, comprehensive system for assaying DNA repair activity and cytotoxic effects of DNA-damaging reagents. Nature Protoc. 10(1): 12-24, 2014

13. Uchida H, Ma L, Ueda H: Epigenetic gene silencing underlies C-fiber dysfunctions in neuropathic pain. J of Neuroscience. 30(13): 4806-4814, 2010

14. Ueda H, Fujita R, Yoshida A, Matsunaga H, Ueda M: Identification of prothymosin-α 1, the necrosis-apoptosis switch molecule in cortical neuronal cultures. J Cell Biol. 176(6): 853-862, 2007

15. Inoue M, Rashid MH, Fujita R, Contos JJ, Chun J, Ueda H: Initiation of neuropathic pain requires lysophosphatidic acid receptor signaling. Nature Med. 10(7): 712-718, 2004

16. Inoue M, Kobayashi M, Kozaki S, Zimmer A, Ueda H: Nociceptin/orphanin FQ-induced nociceptive responses through substance P release from peripheral nerve endings in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 95(18): 10949-10953, 1998

代表性一般綜述論文 (in total 28)

1. Ueda H: Review of kyotorphin research: a mysterious opioid analgesic dipeptide and its molecular, physiological, and pharmacological characteristics. Front Med Technol. 3. 662697, 2021

2. Gazerani P, Aloisi AM, Ueda H: Editorial: Differences in Pain Biology, Perception, and Coping Strategies: Towards Sex and Gender Specific Treatments. Front Neurosci. 15: 697285, 2021

3. Ueda H: Ueda H: Pathogenic mechanisms of lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid in chronic pain. Prog Lipid Res. 81: 101079, 2021

4. Ueda H. LPA receptor signaling as a therapeutic target for radical treatment of neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia. Pain Manag. 10: 43-53, 2020

5. Ueda H: Lysophosphatidic acid signaling is the definitive mechanism underlying neuropathic pain. PAIN 158: 55-65, 2017

6. Ueda H, Uchida H: Epigenetic Modification in Neuropathic Pain. Curr Pharm Des.
21(7): 849-67, 2015

7. Ueda H: Prothymosin α and cell death mode switch, a novel target for the prevention of cerebral ischemia-induced damage. Pharmacol Ther. 123(3): 323-333, 2009

8. Ueda H: Molecular mechanisms of neuropathic pain-phenotypic switch and initiation mechanisms. Pharmacol Ther. 109(1-2): 57-77, 2006

  • 更新日期:2022-10-26