1. Bon-Jour Lin, Kun-Ting Hong, Tzu-Tsao Chung, Wei-Hsiu Liu, Dueng-Yuan
Hueng, Yuan-Hao Chen, Da-Tong Ju, Hsin-I Ma, Ming-Ying Liu, Hung-Chang
Hung, Chi-Tun Tang (2019, Apr). Endoscopic transorbital transtentorial
approach to middle incisural space: preclinical cadaveric study. Acta
Neurochirurgica, 161(4), 831-839.
2. Wen-Shyan Huang, Lin-Gwei Wei, Jhen-Kai Li, Keng-Yen Fu, Tai-Chun Huang,
Pai-Shan Hsieh, Nien-Chi Huang, Lien-Guo Dai, Fung-Wei Chang, Shih-Hurng
Loh, Yuan-Hao Chen, Bing-Heng Yang, Chia-Yang Shiau, Gwo-Jang Wu, NiannTzyy Dai (2019, Jan). Melanocyte Differentiation From Induced Pluripotent
Stem Cells Derived From Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells. Annals of Plastic
Surgery, 82(1S), S119–S125.
3. Bon-Jour Lin, Kun-Ting Hong, Chin Lin, Tzu-Tsao Chung, Chi-Tun Tang,
Dueng-Yuan Hueng, Chung-Ching Hsia, Da-Tong Ju, Hsin-I Ma, Ming-Ying
Liu, and Yuan-Hao Chen (2018, Nov). Impact of global spine balance and
cervical regional alignment on determination of postoperative cervical alignment
after laminoplasty. Medicine (Baltimore), 97(45), e13111. 本人為通訊作者.
4. Meng-Chi Lin, Chiao-Zhu Li, Chih-Chuan Hsieh, Kun-Ting Hong, Bon-Jour
Lin, Chin Lin, Wen-Chiuan Tsai, Chiao-Hua Lee, Man-Gang Lee, Tzu-Tsao
Chung, Chi-Tun Tang, Da-Tong Ju, Hsin-I Ma, Ming-Ying Liu, Yuan-Hao Chen,
Dueng-Yuan Hueng (2018, Nov). Preoperative grading of intracranial
meningioma by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS). , 13(11),
e0207612. MOST 106-2314-B-016-012-MY3.
5. Yuan-Hao Chen, Tung-Tai Kuo, Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, Barry J Hoffer, Jen-Hsin
Kao, Yu-Ching Chou, Yung-Hsiao Chiang, and Jonathan Miller (2018, Oct).
Nicotine-Induced Conditional Place Preference Is Affected by Head Injury:
Correlation with Dopamine Release in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell.
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21(10), 949-961. MOST
105-2314-B-016-001-MY3. 本人為第一作者.
6. Yun-Ju Yang, Wu-Chien Chien, Chi-Hsiang Chung, Kun-Ting Hong, Yi-Lin Yu,
Dueng-Yuan Hueng, Yuan-Hao Chen, Hsin-I Ma, Hsin-An Chang, Yu-Chen Kao,
Hui-Wen Yeh, and Nian-Sheng Tzeng (2018, Jul). Risk of Erectile Dysfunction
After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort study in
Taiwan. American Journal of Men's Health, 12(4), 913–925.
7. Lok-Hi Chow, Yuan-Hao Chen, Chun-Fu Lai, Tsu-You Lin, Ying-Jie Chen, JenHsin Kao, Eagle Huang (2018, Jun). Sex Difference of Angiotensin IV–, LVVHemorphin 7–, and Oxytocin-Induced Antiallodynia at the Spinal Level in Mice
With Neuropathic Pain. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 126(6), 2093–2101.
8. Yuan-Hao Chen, Bon-Jour Lin, Tsung-Hsun Hsieh, Tung-Tai Kuo, Jonathan
Miller, Yu-Ching Chou, Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, and Barry J. Hoffer (2018, Apr).
Differences in Nicotine Encoding Dopamine Release between the Striatum and
Shell Portion of the Nucleus Accumbens. Cell Transplantation. MOST 105-
2341-B-016-001-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
9. Yuan-Hao Chen, Tung-Tai Kuo, Jen-Hsin Kao, Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, TsungHsun Hsieh, Yu-Ching Chou & Barry J. Hoffer (2018, Mar). Exercise
Ameliorates Motor Deficits and Improves Dopaminergic Functions in the Rat
Hemi-Parkinson’s Model. Scientific Reports, 2018(3), 3973. MOST 105-2314-B016-001-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
10. Chiao-Zhu Li, Feng-Cheng Liu, Chiao-Ching Li, Meng-Chi Lin, Chih-Chuan
Hsieh, Bon-Jour Lin, Nan-Fu Chen, Chun-Lin Chen, Tzu-Tsao Chung, Chi-Tun
Tang, Dueng-Yuan Hueng, Da-Tong Ju, Hsin-I Ma, Ming-Ying Liu, Ching Lu,
Yuan-Hao Chen (2018, Jan). The Efficacy of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in
Antiphospholipid Antibody-positive Patients With Spontaneous Intracerebral
Hemorrhage and High D-dimer Levels. The Neurologist, 23(1), 7–11. 本人為通 訊作者.
11. Yuan-Hao Chen, Tung-Tai Kuo, Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, Yu-Ching Chou, YungHsiao Chiang, Barry J Hoffer and Jonathon Miller (2017, Dec). Effect of
traumatic brain injury on nicotine-induced modulation of dopamine release in the
striatum and nucleus accumbens shell. Oncotarget. (Accepted). MOST 105-
2314-B-016-001-MY3. 本人為第一作者.
12. Yuan-Hao Chen, Tung-Tai Kuo, Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, Barry J. Hoffer, YuChing Chou, Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Hsin-I Ma and Jonathan P. Miller (2017, Oct).
Profound deficits in hippocampal synaptic plasticity after traumatic brain injury
and seizure is ameliorated by prophylactic levetiracetam. Oncotarget.
(Accepted). MOST 105-2314-B-016-001-MY3. 本人為第一作者.
CHIANG (2017, Feb). Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is altered
following traumatic brain injury. Neuroscience. MOST 105-2314-B-016-001-
MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
14. Yuan-Hao Chen, Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, Tung-Tai Kuo, Jonathan Miller, YungHsiao Chiang, and Barry J. Hoffer (2016, Dec). Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury
on Dopaminergic Transmission. Cell Transplantation, 26(7), 1156-1168. MOST
105-2314-B-016-001-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
15. Shao-Wei Feng, Yun-Ju Yang, Chiao-Zhu Li, Meng-Chi Lin, Tzu-Tsao Chung,
Yuan-Hao Chen (2016). Accuracy of Spinal Screw Fixation Using Intraoperative
O-arm Navigation: Consecutive Series of 118 Screws. Journal of Medical
Sciences, 36 (1):6?13. 本人為通訊作者.
16. Yeung CY, Hong KT, Chiang CP, Chen YH, Ma HI, Tsai TH. (2015, Nov).
AnaplasticLymphoma Kinase-Negative Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Manifesting as a Scalp Hematoma After an Acute Head Injury-a Case Report and
Literature Review.. World Neurosurg.
17. Chow LH, Tao PL, Chen YH, Lin YH, Huang EY. (2015, Sep). Angiotensin IV
possibly acts through PKMzeta in the hippocampus to regulate cognitive
memory in rats. Neuropeptides.
18. Yuan-Hao Chen, Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, Tung-Tai Ku , Hsin-I Ma, Barry J.
Hoffer, Pi-Fen Tsui, Jing-Jr Tsai, Yu-Ching Chou , Yung-Hsiao Chiang (2014,
Oct). Dopamine Release Impairment in Striatum after Different Levels of
Cerebral Cortical Fluid Percussion Injury. Cell Transplantation, 24(10):2113-28. 本人為第一作者.
19. Chun-Chieh Lin, Tung-Han Tsai, Yueh-Feng Sung, Da-Tong Ju, Yung-Hsiao
Chiang, Yuan-Hao Chen (2014, Aug). Frameless Stereotactic Deep Brain
Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Report and Technical Note. Journal
of Medical Sciences, 34 (5): 224-234. 本人為通訊作者.
20. Hung-Che Lin, Wen-Yen Huang, Shyi-Jou Chen, Chun-Jung Juan, Yuan-Hao
Chen, Hsin-I Ma, Yu-Ching Chou, Jiunn-Tay Lee, Giia-Sheun Peng, Ya-Ling
Chou, Hueng-Chuen Fan (2014, Jul). Whether Spetzler-Martin grading scale is a
predictive factor for the prognosis of pediatric patient with intracranial
arteriovenous malformations. Journal of Medical Sciences, 34(3): 104-109.
21. Tung-Han Tsai, Da-Tong Ju, Yi-Lin Yu, Chi-Tan Tang, Yu-Ching Chou, YungHsiao Chiang, Shinn-Zong Lin, Yuan-Hao Chen (2014, Jul). Frame-Based
Stereotactic Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: 12-Month
Outcomes for Patients in Cross Hair vs. Non-Cross Hair Application Groups.
Journal of Medical Sciences, 34 (4) :166-174. 本人為通訊作者.
22. Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, Tung-Tai Kuo, Jing-Jr Tsai, Pi-Fen Tsui, Yu-Ching Chou,
Tsai Tung-Han, Hsin-I. Ma, Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Yuan-Hao Chen (2014, Mar).
Remote Effects on the Striatal Dopamine System after Fluid Percussion Injury. .
Behavioural Brain Research. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.
23. Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, Pi-Fen Tsui, Tung-Tai Kuo, Jing-Jr Tsai, Yu-Ching Chou,
Hsin-I Ma, Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Yuan-Hao Chen (2014, Jan). Amantadine
ameliorates dopamine-releasing deficits and behavioral deficits in rats after fluid
percussion injury. Plos One . (SCI, 7/56, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES). 本人為通訊作者.
24. Cameron H. Good, Huikun Wang, Yuan-Hao Chen, Carlos A. Mejias-Aponte,
Alexander F. Hoffman1, and Carl R. Lupica1 (2013, Oct). Dopamine D4
receptor excitation of lateral habenula neurons via multiple cellular mechanisms.
Journal of Neuroscience, 33(43): 16853-16864. (SCI, NEUROSCIENCE).
25. Yuan-Hao Chen, Tung-Tai Kuo, Ming-Ting Chu, Hsin-I Ma, Yung-Hsiao Chiang,
Eagle Yi-Kung Huang (2013, May). Postnatal systemic inflammation
exacerbates impairment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity in an animal seizure
model.. Neuroimmunomodulation, 20(4):223-32. . (SCI). NSC 98-2314-B-016-
016-MY2. 本人為第一作者.
26. Bon-Jour Lin , Yu-Hao Chen , Tzu-Tsao Chung, Hsin-I Ma , Yuan-Hao Chen
(2013, Jan). Pituitary abscess following expanding sphenoid sinus pyocele:
Complication of endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery. Clinical
Neurology and Neurosurgery. 本人為通訊作者.
27. Chen YH, Chang SD, Ma HI, Chou YC, Chao HL, Jen YM, Ju DT (2013).
Multisession CyberKnife radiosurgery for post-surgical residual and recurrent
pituitary adenoma: preliminary result from one center. Journal of Radiosurgery
and SBRT, 2: 105-117. 本人為第一作者.
28. Yuan-Hao Chen, Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Hsin-I Ma (2013). Analysis of Spatial and
Temporal Protein Expression in the Cerebral Cortex after Ischemia Reperfusion
Injury. . Journal of Clinical Neurology. (SCI, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY). 本人 為第一作者.
29. Hsieh CT, Liu MY, Chen YH,*Chang CF (2011, Oct). Postoperative acute
sialadenitis following posterior fossa surgery. Neurosciences (Riyadh), 16(4) :
378-80. (SCI).
30. Chen KY, Wu CC, Chang CF, Chen YH, Chiu WT, Lou YH, Chen YH, Shih HM,
*Chiang YH (2011, Sep). Suppression of Etk/Bmx protects against ischemic
brain injury. Cell Transplantation, in press. (SCI).
31. K.Y. Tseng, C.C. Hsia, YH Chen, H.I. Ma, C.T. Tang (2011, May). Use of
spinous processes to determine the laterally angulated trajectory for placement of
lateral mass screws: An image analysis. Neurology India, 59(3): 362~368.
32. Hsieh CT, Chen GH, Ma HI, Chang CF, Cheng CM, Su YH, Ju DT, Hsia CC,
Chen YH, Wu HY and Liu MY (2011, Mar). The misplacement of external
ventricular drain by freehand method in emergent neurosurgery. Acta Neurol.
Belg, 111: 22-28, 2011.
33.Tsai, W. L., Chen, H. Y., Huang, Y. Z., Chen, Y. H., Kuo, C. W., Chen, K. Y., & Hsieh, T. H. (2019). Long-Term Voluntary Physical Exercise Exerts Neuroprotective Effects and Motor Disturbance Alleviation in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease. Behavioural Neurology, 2019.
34.Chen, Y. H., Wang, V., Huang, E. Y. K., Chou, Y. C., Kuo, T. T., Olson, L., & Hoffer, B. J. (2019). Delayed Dopamine Dysfunction and Motor Deficits in Female Parkinson Model Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(24), 6251.
35.Lin, B. J., Ju, D. T., Hsu, T. H., Chung, T. T., Liu, W. H., Hueng, D. Y., ... & Hung, H. C. (2019). Endoscopic transorbital approach to anterolateral skull base through inferior orbital fissure: a cadaveric study. Acta neurochirurgica, 161(9), 1919-1929.
36.Wang, J. C., Chien, W. C., Chung, C. H., Lin, C. Y., Chen, Y. H., Liao, M. T., ... & Tsai, S. H. (2020). Association between surgical repair of aortic aneurysms and the diagnosis of intracranial aneurysms. Journal of vascular surgery, 71(2), 481-489.
37.Chen, Y. H., Hsieh, T. H., Kuo, T. T., Kao, J. H., Ma, K. H., Huang, E. Y. K., ... & Hoffer, B. J. (2019). Release parameters during progressive degeneration of dopamine neurons in a mouse model reveal earlier impairment of spontaneous than forced behaviors. Journal of neurochemistry, 150(1), 56-73.
大腦電生理訊號藍芽無限傳輸系統 (2013/07-2023/03)