新加坡國立大學 生理學系 博士後研究員 2017-04~2019-01
杜克-新加坡國立大學醫學院 神經科學與行為疾患學程 博士後研究員 2013-10~2017-03
德國馬克斯普朗克研究機構 精神醫學 博士後研究員 2012-02~2013-06
2020 The vulnerability of motor and frontal cortex-dependent behaviors in mice expressing ALS-linked mutation in TDP-43.
2020 Challenges and coping strategies faced by female scientists - A multicentric cross sectional study
2019 Prenatal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) exposure induces working memory and social recognition deficits by disrupting inhibitory synaptic networks in male mice.
2019 FUS-mediated dysregulation of Sema5a, an autism-related gene, in FUS mice with hippocampus-dependent cognitive deficits.
2017 TRIAD3/RNF216 mutations associated with Gordon Holmes syndrome lead to synaptic and cognitive impairments via Arc misregulation.
2016 Hepatic circadian clock oscillators and nuclear receptors integrate microbiome-derived signals.
2016 Direct Induction and Functional Maturation of Forebrain GABAergic Neurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.
2015 Selective breeding for high anxiety introduces a synonymous SNP that increases neuropeptide s receptor activity.
2015 Intranasally Applied Neuropeptide S Shifts a High-Anxiety Electrophysiological Endophenotype in the Ventral Hippocampus towards a "Normal"-Anxiety One.
2015 Glycogen synthase kinase-3β inhibition in the medial prefrontal cortex mediates paradoxical amphetamine action in a mouse model of ADHD.
2013 Identification of a role for the ventral hippocampus in neuropeptide S-elicited anxiolysis.
2013 Co-segregation of hyperactivity, active stress coping and cognitive dysfunctions in mice selectively bred for low levels of anxiety.
2012 Intranasally administered neuropeptide S (NPS) exerts anxiolytic effects following internalization into NPS-receptor expressing neurons.
2012 Increased levels of conditioned fear and avoidance behavior coincide with elevated phosphorylation of the protein kinase B (AKT) within the amygdala in a mouse model of extremes in trait anxiety.
2012 Endocrine stress response is linked to one specific locus on chromosome 3 in a mouse model of extremes in trait anxiety.
2012 Hippocampus-dependent place learning enables spatial flexibility in C57BL6/N mice.
2010 Urocortin 3 modulates social discrimination abilities via corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor type 2.