
::: 合聘教師

黃坤崙 教授

黃坤崙 教授      












1. Lee, H.C., Niu, K.C., Chen, S.H., Chang, L.P., Huang, K.L., Tsai, J.D., and Chen,. L.S. (1991). Therapeutic effects of different tables on type II decompression sickness. J. Hyperbaric Med. 6:11-17.
2. Yen, M.H., Huang, K.L,. and Wu, C.C. (1991). Different relaxation between L-arginine and acetylcholine in spontaneously hypertensive rat aorta treated with Nw-nitro-L-arginine. Chinese J. Physiol. 34:257-266.
3. Lee, H.C., Huang, K.L., Tsai, J.D., Wang, S.H., and Mok, H.K. (1992) Spectral analysis of bubble sounds in decompressed guinea pigs. Chinese Med. J. (Taipei) 50:359-364.
4. Huang, K.L., Chien, P.S., Kishi, Y. and Lin, Y.C. (1994) Application of conservation principle in estimating body volume in rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 76:391-396.
5. Lee, H.C., Niu, K.C., Huang, K.L., Tsai, J.D., Shyu, R.K., Shiraki, K., Hong,, S.K., and Lin, Y.C. (1994) Diving pattern of fishermen in the Pescadores. Undersea Hyperbaric Med. 21:145-158.
6. Lin, Y.C., K.L. Huang, and Y. Kishi. (1994) Drowning: Cause and prevention. NOAA Sea Grant publication, UNIHI-SEAGRANT-MR-94-05, p. 1-12.
7. Huang, K.L. and Y.C. Lin. (1996) Women and diving. Trans Aviat. Med. Assoc. R.O.C. 10:89-92 (in Chinese).
8. Huang, K.L. and Lin, Y.C. (1997) Activation of complement and neutrophils increases vascular permeability during air embolism. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 68:300-305.
9. Hsu, K., Huang, K.L., Wang, D., Hsu, C.S., and Chiang, C.H. (1997) Dibutyryl cAMP prevents increased vascular permeability caused by air embolism in isolated rat lungs. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 68:802-806.
10. Huang, K.L. and Lin, Y.C. (1997) Pharmacologic modulation of pulmonary vascular permeability during air embolism. Undersea Hyperbaric Med. 24:315-321.
11. Huang, K.L., Lee, H.C., Huang, G.B., Lin, T.F., Niu, K.C., Liou, S.H., and Lin, Y.C. (1998) Diving pattern and work schedule of construction well divers in Taiwan. Undersea Hyperbaric Med. 25:99-109.
12. Huang, K.L., D.M. Chang, and J.J. Lu. (1999) Tuberculosis of skeletal muscle in a case of polymyositis. Scand. J. Rheumatol. 28:380-382.
13. Wan, F.J., H.C. Lin, K.L. Huang, C.J. Tseng, and C.S. Wong. (2000) Systemic administration of D-Amphetamine induces long-lasting oxidative stress in the rat striatum. Life Sci. 66:205-216.
14. Huang, K.L. (2000) Cardiovascular responses to breath-hold diving in mammals. J. Med. Sci. 20:217-224.
15. Wu, T.H., C.C. Wu, H.C. Lin, K.L. Huang, and F.J. Wan. (2000) The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on sepsis. J. Med. Sci. 20:269-278.
16. Huang, K.L., J.N. Wu, H.C. Lin, S.P. Mao, B.H. Kang, and F.J. Wan. (2000) Prolonged exposure to hyperbaric oxygen induces neuronal damage in primary rat cortical cultures. Neurosci. Lett. 293:159-162.
17. Chen, C.W., C.H. Chiang, C.P. Yu, W.C. Perng, H.C. Yan, C.H. Chen, K.L. Huang, and C.P. Wu. (2001) Pulmonary histocytosis X presenting as prolonged fever – A case report and review of the literature. Thorac Med. 16:289-296.
18. Huang, K.L., B.H. Kang, and F.J. Wan. (2002) Treatment of pulmonary air embolism in rats with hyperbaric oxygen and isoproterenol. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 73:373-378.
19. Huang, K.L., C.P. Wu, B.H. Kang, and Y.C. Lin. (2002) Chronic hypoxia attenuates nitric oxide-dependent hemodynamic responses to acute hypoxia. J. Biomed. Sci. 9:206-212.
20. Lu, M.Y., B.H. Kang, F. J. Wan, C. S. Chen, and K. L. Huang*. (2002) Hyperbaric oxygen attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury. Inten. Care Med. 28:636-641.
21. Huang, K.L., D. Wang, K. Hsu, T.S. Huang, and H.I. Chen. (2002) Free radicals mediate amphetamine-induced acute pulmonary edema in isolated rat lung. Life Sci. 71:1237-1244.
22. Kang, B.H., F. J. Wan, T. C. Chen, K. L. Huang, and C. J. Tseng. (2002) Hyperbaric oxygen increases the lung’s susceptibility to inhaled lipopolysaccharide in mice. Lung 180:105-117.
23. Huang, K.L., C.P. Wu, Y.L. Chen, B.H. Kang,.and Y.C. Lin. (2003) Heat stress attenuates air bubble-induced acute lung injury- A novel mechanism of diving acclimatization. J. Appl. Physiol. 94:1485-1490.
24. Huang, K.L., C.W. Chen, W.C. Perng, M.H. Li, C.P. Wu, and C.C. Hou. (2003) Enhancement of oxygenation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Taiwan Crit. Care Med. 5:221-230.
25. Su, C.L., C.C. Hou, H.I. Lin, C.W. Chen, S.H. Yang, and Huang, K.L*. (2003) Ventilation-perfusion mismatch in pulmonary gas embolism. Taiwan Crit. Care Med. 5:175-188.
26. Wang, G.C., W.M. Chi, W.C. Perng, and K.L. Huang*. (2003) Body temperature control in sepsis-induced acute lung injury. Chinese J. Physiol. 46:151-157.
27. Huang, K.L., C.P. Wu, W.C. Perng, and S.Y. Chen. (2003) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for carbon monoxide intoxication in a case of thermal inhalation injury. Thorax Med. 18:493-499.
28. Perng, W.C., C.P. Wu, S.C. Chu, B.H. Kang, and K.L. Huang*. (2004) Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on endotoxin-induced lung injury in rats. Shock 21:370-375.
29. Su, C.L., C.P. Wu, S.Y. Chen, B.H. Kang, K.L. Huang*, and Y.C. Lin. (2004) Acclimatization to neurological decompression sickness in rabbit. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 287:R1214-R1218.
30. Chu, S.J., W.C. Perng, C.M. Hung, D.M. Chang, S.H. Lin, and K.L. Huang*. (2005) Effects of various body temperatures after lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury in rats. Chest 128:327-336.
31. Huang, Y.C., A. Vieira, K.L. Huang, M.K. Yeh, and C.H. Chiang. (2005) Pulmonary inflammation caused by chitosan microparticles. J. Biomed. Mat. Res. 75A:283-287.
32. Chang WC. Tzao C. Hsu HH. Lee SC. Huang KL. Tung HJ. Chen CY. (2006) Pulmonary cryptococcosis: comparison of clinical and radiographic characteristics in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Chest 129:333-40.
33. Chu, S.J., M.H. Lee, C.W. Hsu, S.H. Tsai, S.H. Lin, and K.L. Huang*. (2007) Influence of hyperbaric oxygen on tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide production in endotoxin- induced acute lung injury in rats. Pul Pharmacol Therap 20:684-690.
34. Lo CP. Chen SY. Chou MC. Wang CY. Lee KW. Hsueh CJ. Chen CY. Huang KL. Huang GS. (2007) Diffusion-tensor MR imaging for evaluation of the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by carbon monoxide inhalation. Eur J Neurol 14:777-82.
35. Huang, K.L., C.W. Chen, S.J. Chu, W.C. Perng, and C.P. Wu. (2008) Systemic inflammation caused by white smoke inhalation in a combat exercise. Chest 133:722-728.
36. Chang, H., K.L. Huang, M.H. Li, C.W. Hsu, S.H. Tsai, and S.J. Chu. (2008) Manipulations of core temperatures in ischemia–reperfusion lung injury in rabbits. Pul Pharmacol Therap 21: 285-291.
37. Chang, H., M.H. Li, C.W. Chen, H.C. Yan, K.L. Huang, and S.J. Chu. (2008) Intravascular FC-77 attenuates phorbol myristate acetate-induced acute lung injkury in isolated rat lungs. Crit Care Med 36:1222-1229.
38. Lin, H.I., S.J. Chu , W.C. Perng, C.P. Wu, Z.Y. Lin, and K.L. Huang*. (2008) Hyperbaric oxygen attenuates cell growth in skin fibroblasts cultured in high-glucose medium. Wound Repair Regen 16:513-519.
39. Huang KL. Chen CS. Hsu CW. Li MH. Chang H. Tsai SH. Chu SJ. (2008) Therapeutic effects of baicalin on lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in rats. Am J Chinese Med 36:301-311.
40. Yang YL. Huang KL. Liou HL. Chen HI. (2008) The involvement of nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthase, neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase and proinflammatory cytokines in the acute lung injury caused by phorbol myristate acetate. J Biomed Sci 15:499-507.
41. Li M.H., K.L. Huang, S.Y. Wu, C.W. Chen, H.C. Yan, K.Hsu, C.W. Hsu, S.H. Tsai, S.J.Chu. (2009) Baicalin attenuates air embolism-induced acute lung injury in rat isolated lungs. Br J Pharmacol 157:244–251.
42. Lee, H.C., Y.S. Chen, B. H. Kang, F. J. Wan, L. P. Chang, and K. L. Huang*. (2009). Serum Heat Shock Protein after simulated Deep Diving in Navy Divers. Chinese Journal of Physiology 52(5): 295-298.
43. Perng, W.C., K.L. Huang, M.H. Li, C.W. Hsu, S.H. Tsai, S.J Chu, and D.M. Chang. (2010) Glutamine attenuates hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury in mice. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 37:56-61.
44. Peng, C.K., K. L. Huang, C.P Wu, M.H Li, H. I. Lin, C.W. Hsu, S.H. Tsai, and S.J. Chu. (2010) The Role of Mild Hypothermia in Air Embolism–Induced Acute Lung Injury. Anesth Analg 110:1336-1342.
45. Wu, C.P., H.I. Lin, W.C. Perng, S.H. Yang, C.W. Chen, Y.C. Huang, K.L. Huang. (2010) Correlation between the %MinVol setting and work of breathing during adaptive support ventilation in patients with respiratory failure. Respir Care 55:334-341.
46. Chang, D.C., J.T. Lee, C.P. Lo, Y.M. Fan, K.L. Huang, B.H. Kang, H.L. Hsieh, S.Y. Chen. (2010) Hyperbaric oxygen ameliorates delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome of carbon monoxide poisoning. Undersea Hyperb Med 37:23-33.
47. Lan CC, Chang CY, Peng CK, Wu CP, Huang KL, Lee SC, Chang H. (2010) Effect of body positions on hemodynamics and gas exchange in anesthetized pigs shortly after pneumonectomy. Shock 34(5):482-487.
48. Chung WC, Fan PL, Chiu HC, Yang CY, Huang KL, Tzeng DS. (2010) Operating room cost for coronary artery bypass graft procedures: does experience or severity of illness matter? J Eval Clin Pract 16(6):1063-1070.
49. Peng CK, Huang KL, Wu CP, Li MH, Hu YT, Hsu CW, Tsai SH, Chu SJ. (2011) Glutamine protects ischemia-reperfusion induced acute lung injury in isolated rat lungs. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 24(1):153-161.
50. Liu SC, Kang BH, Lee JC, Lin YS, Huang KL, Liu DW, Su WF, Kao CH, Chu YH, Chen HC, Wang CH. (2011) Comparison of therapeutic results in sudden sensorineural hearing loss with/without additional hyperbaric oxygen therapy: A retrospective review of 465 audiologically controlled cases. Clin Otolaryngol 36(2):121-128.
51. Lan CC, Hsu HH, Wu CP, Huang KL, Lee SC, Chang CY, Peng CK, Chang H. (2011) Lateral position with the remaining lung uppermost improves matching of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion in pneumonectomized pigs. J Surg Res 167(2):e55-e61.
52. Wu CP, Peng CK, Chang HF, Kang BH, Huang KL*. (2012) Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on neuronal survival after focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Med Sci 32(2):75-80.
53. Kang BH, Chen TC, Huang KL, Wan FJ. (2012) Effects of hyperbaric oxygen in a murine model of allergic lung inflammation. J Med Sci 32(2):81-87.
54. Lee HC, Kang BH, Peng CK, Chang LP, Huang KL*. (2012) Pulmonary functions of navy divers altered by simulated deep diving. J Med Sci 32(2):89-92.
55. Huang SF, Shen CH, Peng CK, Kang BH, Perng WC, Huang KL*. (2012) Successful treatment of post-ACLS hypoxic encephalopathy by hyperbaric oxygen - report of 2 cases. J Med Sci 32(2):93-96.
56. Wu SY, Wu CP, Kang BH, Li MH, Chu SJ, Huang KL*. (2012) Hypercapnic acidosis attenuates reperfusion injury in isolated and perfused rat lungs. Crit Care Med 40(2):553-559.
57. Wu SY, Li MH, Ko FC, Wu GC, Huang KL*, Chu SJ. (2013) Protective effect of hypercapnic acidosis in ischemia-reperfusion lung injury is attributable to upregulation of heme oxygenase-1. PLoS ONE 8(9):e74742. (11/62 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
58. Chao TT, Wang CH, Chen HC, Shih CP, Sytwu HK, Huang KL, Chen SY. (2013) Adherent culture conditions enrich the side population obtained from the cochlear modiolus-derived stem/progenitor cells. International J Ped Otorhinolaryngol 77(5):779-84.
59. Huang KL*. Decompression sickness acclimatization. (Review) Adapt Med 5:49-54, 2013.
60. Chu SJ, Huang KL, Wu SY, Ko FC, Wu GC, Li RY, Li MH. (2013) Systemic administration of FC-77 dampens ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute lung injury in rats. Inflammation. 36:1383-92. (111/187 CELL BIOLOGY)
61. Lin YH, Fu KY, Hong PD, Ma H, Liou NH, Ma KH, Liu JC, Huang KL, Dai LG, Chang SC, Chan J, Chen SG, Chen TM, Dai NT. (2013) The effects of microenvironment on wound healing by keratinocytes derived from mesenchymal stem cells. Ann Plast Surg 71 (Suppl 1):S67-74. (104/200 SURGERY)
62. Tang SE, Wu CP, Wu SY, Peng CK, Perng WC, Kang BH, Chu SJ, Huang KL*. (2014) Stanniocalcin-1 ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced pulmonary oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis in mice. Free Radical Biol Med 71C:321-331. (39/292 BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
63. Hsu HH, Wu SY, Tang SE, Wu GC, Li MH, Huang KL*, Chu SJ. (2015) Protection against reperfusion lung injury via aborgating multiple signaling cascades by trichostatin A. Internat Immunopharmacol 25:267–275. (106/255 PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
64. Yang SH, Lin JC, Wu SY, Huang KL, Jung F, Ma MC, Wang Hsu GS, Jow GM. (2015) Membrane Translocation of IL-33 Receptor in Ventilator Induced Lung Injury. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0121391. (11/62 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
65. Tzeng YS, Wu SY, Peng YJ, Cheng CP, Tang SE, Huang KL*, Chu SJ*. (2015) Hypercapnic acidosis prolongs survival of skin allografts. J Surg Res 195:351-359. (61/200 SURGERY)
66. Lan CC, Peng CK, Huang SF, Huang KL*. (2015) Activated protein C attenuates ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute lung injury. Exp Lung Res 41:241-250. (48/58 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM)
67. Wu SY, Tang SE, Ko FC, Wu GC, Huang KL*, Chu SJ. (2015) Valproic Acid Attenuates Acute Lung Injury Induced by Ischemia–Reperfusion in Rats. Anesthesiology 122:1327-1337. (3/31 ANESTHESIOLOGY)
68. Lin HJ, Wu CP, Peng CK, Lin SH, Uchida S, Yang SS, Huang KL*. (2015) WNK4 mediates alveolar fluid regulation in hyperoxia-induced lung injury. Crit Care Med 43:e412-419. (4/33 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE)
69. Dai NT, Fan GY, Liou NH, Wang YW, Fu KY, Ma KH, Liu JC, Chang SC, Huang KL, Dai LG, Chen SG, Chen TM. (2015) Histochemical and functional improvement of adipose-derived stem cell-based tissue-engineered cartilage by hyperbaric oxygen/air treatment in a rabbit articular defect model. Ann Plast Surg. 74:S139-S145. (104/200 SURGERY)
70. Shen CH, Peng CK, Chou YC, Pan KT, Chang SC, Chang SY, Huang KL*. (2015) Predicting duration of mechanical ventilation in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: a retrospective study. J Crit Care. 30:19-24. (18/33 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE)
71. Lan CC, Peng CK, Tang SE, Wu SY, Huang KL*, Wu CP*. (2016) Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody suppresses ERK and NF-κB activation in ischemia-reperfusion lung injury. PLoS ONE 11(8):e0159922. (11/62 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
72. Lin SC, Gou GH, Hsia CW, Ho CW, Huang KL, Wu YF, Lee SY, Chen YH. (2016) Simulated Microgravity Disrupts Cytoskeleton Organization and Increases Apoptosis of Rat Neural Crest Stem Cells Via Upregulating CXCR4 Expression and RhoA-ROCK1-p38 MAPK-p53 Signaling. Stem Cells & Development. 25(15):1172-93. (34/128 MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
73. Lan CC, Peng CK, Tang SE, Lin HJ, Yang SS, Wu CP*, Huang KL*. (2017) Inhibition of Na-K-Cl cotransporter isoform 1 reduces lung injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 153: 206-215. (20/200 SURGERY)
74. Chiang IH, Chen SG, Huang KL, Chou YC, Dai NT, Peng CK. (2017) Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in severe burns: Experience in Taiwan Formosa Water Park dust explosion disaster. Burns 43:852-857. (83/196 SURGERY)
75. Peng CK, Huang KL, Lan CC, Hsu YJ, Wu GC, Peng CH, Wu CP, Chan KS. (2017) Experimental chronic kidney disease attenuates ischemia-reperfusion injury in an ex vivo rat lung model. PLoS ONE 12(3):e017173. (11/62 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
76. Lan CC, Peng CK, Tang SE, Huang KL*, Wu CP*. (2017) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor attenuates ischemia-reperfusion induced acute lung injury. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179822. (11/62 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
77. Peng CK, Wu SY, Tang SE, Li MH, Lin SS, Chu SJ*, Huang KL*. (2017) Protective effects of neural crest-derived stem cell-conditioned media against ischemia-reperfusion-induced lung injury in rats. Inflammation 40(5):1532-42. (80/150 IMMUNOLOGY)
78. Wu GC, Liao WI, Wu SY, Pao HP, Tang SE, Li MH, Huang KL*, Chu SJ*. (2017) Targeting of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase enzymatic activity ameliorates lung damage induced by ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Respir Res 18:71-82. (14/59 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM)
79. Chen YJ, Hwang SL, Li CR, Yang CC, Huang KL, Lin CY, Lee CY. (2017) Vagal withdrawal and psychological distress during ventilator weaning and the related outcomes. J Psychosomatic Res 101:10-16. (43/139 PSYCHIATRY)
80. Chen CC, Hsia CW, Ho CW, Liang CM, Chen CM, Huang KL, Kang BH, Chen YH. (2017) Hypoxia and hyperoxia differentially control proliferation of rat neural crest stem cells via distinct regulatory pathways of the HIF1alpha-CXCR4 and TP53-TPM1 proteins. Developmental Dynamics. 246(3):162-185. (4/21 ANATOMY & MORPHOLOGY)
81. Liao WI, Wu SY, Wu GC, Pao HP, Tang SE, Huang KL*, Chu SJ*. (2017) Ac2-26, an Annexin A1 Peptide, Attenuates Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Acute Lung Injury. Int J Mol Sci 18(8):1771. (90/292 BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
82. Hung CM, Peng CK, Wu CP, Huang KL*. (2018) Bumetanide attenuates acute lung injury by suppressing macrophage activation. Biochem Pharmacol 156:60-67. (36/261 PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
83. Shen CH, Lin JY, Chang YL, Wu SY, Peng CK, Wu CP, Huang KL*. (2018) Inhibition of NKCC1 modulates alveolar fluid clearance and inflammation in ischemia-reperfusion lung injury via TRAF6-mediated pathway. Front Immunol 9:2049. (30/155 IMMUNOLOGY)
84. Chuang HM, Ho LI, Huang MH, Huang KL, Chiou TW, Lin SZ, Su HL, Harn HJ. (2018) Non-canonical regulation of type I collagen through promoter binding of SOX2 and its contribution to ameliorating pulmonary fibrosis by butylidenephthalide. Int J Mol Sci 19(10), 3024. (90/292 BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
85. Feng JY, Chien JY, Kao KC, Tsai CL, Hung FM, Lin FM, Hu HC, Huang KL, Yu CJ, Yang KY. (2018) Predictors of Early Onset Multiple Organ Dysfunction in Major Burn Patients with Ventilator Support: Experience from A Mass Casualty Explosion. Sci Rep 8(1):10939. (15/69 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
86. Pan KT, Shen CH, Lin FG, Chou YC, Croxford B, Leonardi G, Huang KL*. (2019) Prognostic factors of carbon monoxide poisoning in Taiwan: a retrospective observational study. BMJ Open 9(11):e031135. (50/160 MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
87. Peng CK, Wu CP, Lin JY, Peng SC, Lee CH, Huang KL*, Shen CH*. (2019) Gas6/Axl signaling attenuates alveolar inflammation in ischemia-reperfusion- induced acute lung injury by up-regulating SOCS3-mediated pathway. PLoS One 14(7):e0219788. (24/69 MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
88. Hung KY, Liao WI, Pao HP, Wu SY, Huang KL*, Chu SJ*. (2019) Targeting F-Box Protein Fbxo3 Attenuates Lung Injury Induced by Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats. Front Pharmacol. 10:583. (74/336 PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
89. Peng CK, Huang KL, Wu CP, Wu YK, Tzeng IS, Lan CC. (2019) Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibitor Roflumilast Attenuates Pulmonary Air Emboli-Induced Lung Injury. J Surg Res. 241:24-30. (104/203 SURGERY)
90. Lin CC, Huang KL, Tung CS, Liu YP. (2019) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy restored traumatic stress-induced dysregulation of fear memory and related neurochemical abnormalities. Behav Brain Res. 359:861-870. (16/53 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES)
91. Dai, YL, Wu CP, Yang GG, Chang H, Peng CK, Huang KL. (2019) Adaptive support ventilation attenuates ventilator induced lung injury: human and animal study. Int J Mol Sci 20:5848. (90/292 BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
92. Hung CM, Peng CK, Yang SS, Shui HA, Huang KL*. (2020) WNK4–SPAK modulates lipopolysaccharide-induced macrophage activation. Biochem Pharmacol 171:113738. (36/261 PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY)
93. Tang SE, Wu SY, Chu SJ, Tzeng YS, Peng CK, Lan CC, Perng WC, Wu CP, Huang KL*. (2019) Pre-treatment with ten-minute carbon dioxide inhalation prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury in mice via down-regulation of toll-like receptor 4 expression. Int J Mol Sci 20(24): E6293. (90/292 BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY)
94. Tang SE, Liao WI, Wu SY, Pao SP, Huang KL* and Chu SJ*. (2020) The blockade of store-operated calcium channels improves decompression sickness in rats. Front Physiol 10:01616. (25/81 PHYSIOLOGY)
95. Dai YL, Hsu RJ, Huang HK, Huang TW, Tsai WC, Chang H*, and Huang KL*. (2020) Adaptive support ventilation attenuates postpneumonectomy acute lung injury in a porcine model. Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg (in press).
96. Wu CP, Huang KL, Peng CK, and Lan CC. (2020) Acute hyperglycemia aggravates lung injury via activation of the SGK1-NKCC1 pathway. Int J Mol Sci (in pr

  • 更新日期:2019-09-26