
::: 生命科學研究所師資

 陳建甫 助理教授

陳建甫 助理教授      
Chien-Fu F. Chen




02-8792-3100 ext.18572




2011-2014 美國哥倫比亞大學生命科學系 博士後研究員

2005-2011 美國奧克拉荷馬大學細胞與行為神經生物學 博士

2002-2004 美國德州大學達拉斯分校應用認知與神經科學 碩士

1995-1999 國立台灣大學昆蟲學系 學士


2015-迄今 國防醫學院生命科學研究所 助理教授



1. 大腦嗅覺皮質與中樞嗅覺路徑之架構。

2. 嗅覺與氣味引起的情緒反應。

3. 嗅覺失調與神經退化性疾病。


1. Chen, H.L., Chen, C.F.F.*, Huang, H.B. Distinct age-specific effects on olfactory associative learning in C57BL/6 substrains. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2022. February 2. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2022.808978 *Corresponding author.

2. Shabangu, T., Chen, H.L., Zhuang, Z.H., Pierani, A., Chen, C.F.F.*, Chou, S.J. Specific contribution of neurons from the Dbx1 lineage to the piriform cortex. Scientific Reports. 2021. April 16;11(1):8349. *co-corresponding author.

3. Weng, S.J.*, Chen, C.F.F.*, Huang, Y.S., Chiu, C.H., Wu, S.C., Lin, C.Y., Chueh, S.H., Cheng, C.Y., Ma, H.H. Olfactory ensheathing cells improve the survival of porcine neural xenografts in a Parkinsonian rat model. Xenotransplantation. 2019 Nov 28; e12569. *equal contribution.

4. Jhao, Y.T., Chiu, C.H., Chen, C.F.F., Chou, T.K., Lin, Y.W., Ju, Y.T., Wu, S.C., Yan, R.F., Shiue, C.Y., Chueh, S.H., Halldin, C., Cheng, C.Y., Ma, K.H.. The effect of Sertoli cells on xenotransplantation and allotransplantation of ventral mesencephalic tissue in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Cells. 2019. Nov 11;8(11) 1420

5. Li, I.H., Shih, J.H., Jhao, Y.T., Chen, H.C., Chiu, C.H., Chen, C.F.F., Huang, Y.S., Shiue, C.Y., Ma, K.H. Regulation of Noise-Induced loss of serotonin transporters with resveratrol in a rat model using 4-[18F]-ADAM/small-animal positron emission tomography. Molecules. 2019. Apr 5;24(7)

6. Ma, K.H., Liu, T.T., Weng, S.J., Chen, C.F., Liao, M.H., Chang, K.W., Sung, C.C., Hsu, T.H., Huang, W.S., Cheng, C.Y. Effects of dextromethorphan on MDMA-induced serotonergic aberration in the brains of non-human primates using [123I]-ADAM/SPECT. Scientific Reports. 2016 Dec 12;6:38695.

7. Shih, J.H., Ma, K.H., Chen, C.F., Cheng, C.Y., Pao, L.H., Weng, S.J., Huang, Y.S., Shiue, C.Y., Yeh, M.K., Li, I.H. Evaluation of brain SERT occupancy by resveratrol against MDMA-induced neurobiological and behavioral changes in rats: A 4-[18F]-ADAM/small-animal PET study. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016. 26 92-104.

8. Chen, C.F., Zou, D.J., Altomare, C.G., Xu, L., Greer, C.A., and Firestein, S.J. Non-sensory target-dependent organization of piriform cortex. PNAS. 2014. 111(47) 16931-6.

9. Chen, C.F., Barnes, D.C. and Wilson, D.A. Generalized versus stimulus-specialized fear differentially modifies stimulus encoding in primary sensory cortex of awake rats. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2011. 106(6) 3136-44.

10. Wilson, D.A., Bell, H., Chen, C.F. Olfactory perceptual learning. Encyclopedic Reference of Neuroscience, Springer, 2009.

11. Rennaker, R.L., Chen, C.F., Ruyle, A.M., Sloan, A.M. and Wilson, D.A. Spatial and temporal distribution of odorant-evoked activity in the piriform cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 2007. 27(7) 1534 - 42.

  • 更新日期:2021-01-11