生物及解剖學研究所(Institute of Biology and Anatomy)

::: 專任教師

黃雍協 副教授

黃雍協 副教授      
Huang YS




國立成功大學生物系 1992-1996
國立台灣大學解剖學研究所碩士 1996-1998
國立台灣大學解剖暨細胞生物研究所博士 2001-2007






國防醫學院生解科助教 1998-2007
中山醫學大學解剖科助理教授 2007-2012


1. 自噬作用對神經毒性的作用機轉
2. 間葉幹細胞的神經保護作用
3. 中風老鼠模式的神經保護作用


1.     Weng TH, Ke CC, Huang YS: Anti-Inflammatory Effects of GM1 Ganglioside on Endotoxin-Induced Uveitis in Rats. Biomolecules 2022, 12(5).

2.     Lin HC, Shui HA, Huang KY, Lin WZ, Chang HY, Lee HJ, Lin YC, Huang YS, Chen GR, Yang YT et al: Innovative Hybrid-Alignment Annotation Method for Bioinformatics Identification and Functional Verification of a Novel Nitric Oxide Synthase in Trichomonas vaginalis. Biology 2022, 11(8).

3.     Yeh CC, Yang CP, Ma KH, Shih JH, Tseng CS, Huang YS: Endogenous Expression of G-CSF in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons after Nerve Injury. Brain sciences 2021, 11(7).

4.     Wu YF, Tsai YF, Huang YS, Shih JF: Total Synthesis of the Echinodermatous Ganglioside LLG-3 Possessing the Biological Function of Promoting the Neurite Outgrowth. Organic letters 2020, 22(19):7491-7495.(co-corresponding author)

5.     Weng SJ, Chen CF, Huang YS, Chiu CH, Wu SC, Lin CY, Chueh SH, Cheng CY, Ma KH: Olfactory ensheathing cells improve the survival of porcine neural xenografts in a Parkinsonian rat model. Xenotransplantation 2020, 27(2):e12569.

6.     Shih JH, Tsai YF, Li IH, Chen MH, Huang YS: Hp-s1 Ganglioside Suppresses Proinflammatory Responses by Inhibiting MyD88-Dependent NF-kappaB and JNK/p38 MAPK Pathways in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Microglial Cells. Marine drugs 2020, 18(10).

7.     Lin HC, Shih CP, Chen HC, Cheng CA, Huang YS, Lin CS, Chung CH, Huang BR, Lee JC, Shangkuan WC et al: Risk of Acquired Cholesteatoma and External Auditory Canal Stenosis in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. International journal of environmental research and public health 2020, 17(18).

8.     Li IH, Shih JH, Yeh TY, Lin HC, Chen MH, Huang YS: Lysosomal Dysfunction and Autophagy Blockade Contribute to MDMA-Induced Neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells. Chemical research in toxicology 2020, 33(4):903-914.

9.     Shih JH, Chiu CH, Ma KH, Huang YS, Shiue CY, Yeh TY, Kao LT, Lin YY, Li IH: Autophagy inhibition plays a protective role against 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-induced loss of serotonin transporters and depressive-like behaviors in rats. Pharmacological research 2019, 142:283-293.

10.   Liu CT, Kao LT, Shih JH, Chien WC, Chiu CH, Ma KH, Huang YS, Cheng CY, Shiue CY, Li IH: The effect of dextromethorphan use in Parkinson's disease: A 6-hydroxydopamine rat model and population-based study. European journal of pharmacology 2019, 862:172639.

11.   Liu CT, Huang YS, Chen HC, Ma KH, Wang CH, Chiu CH, Shih JH, Kang HH, Shiue CY, Li IH: Evaluation of brain SERT with 4-[(18)F]-ADAM/micro-PET and hearing protective effects of dextromethorphan in hearing loss rat model. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 2019, 378:114604.

12.   Li IH, Shih JH, Jhao YT, Chen HC, Chiu CH, Chen CF, Huang YS, Shiue CY, Ma KH: Regulation of Noise-Induced Loss of Serotonin Transporters with Resveratrol in a Rat Model Using 4-[(18)F]-ADAM/Small-Animal Positron Emission Tomography. Molecules 2019, 24(7).

13.   Weng SJ, Li IH, Huang YS, Chueh SH, Chou TK, Huang SY, Shiue CY, Cheng CY, Ma KH: KA-bridged transplantation of mesencephalic tissue and olfactory ensheathing cells in a Parkinsonian rat model. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2017, 11(7):2024-2033.

14.   Lin HC, Huang YS, Chu YH, Liu SC, Shangkuan WC, Lai WS, Yang JM, Lin YS, Ma KH, Lee JC: Vascular anatomy is a determining factor of successful submental flap raising: a retrospective study of 70 clinical cases. PeerJ 2017, 5:e3606.

15.   Shih JH, Ma KH, Chen CF, Cheng CY, Pao LH, Weng SJ, Huang YS, Shiue CY, Yeh MK, Li IH: Evaluation of brain SERT occupancy by resveratrol against MDMA-induced neurobiological and behavioral changes in rats: A 4-[(1)(8)F]-ADAM/small-animal PET study. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2016, 26(1):92-104.

16.   Ma KH, Liu TT, Weng SJ, Chen CF, Huang YS, Chueh SH, Liao MH, Chang KW, Sung CC, Hsu TH et al: Effects of dextromethorphan on MDMA-induced serotonergic aberration in the brains of non-human primates using [(123)I]-ADAM/SPECT. Scientific reports 2016, 6:38695.

17.   Li IH, Ma KH, Kao TJ, Lin YY, Weng SJ, Yen TY, Chen LC, Huang YS: Involvement of autophagy upregulation in 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy')-induced serotonergic neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicology 2016, 52:114-126.

18.   Chiu CH, Li IH, Weng SJ, Huang YS, Wu SC, Chou TK, Huang WS, Liao MH, Shiue CY, Cheng CY et al: PET Imaging of Serotonin Transporters With 4-[(18)F]-ADAM in a Parkinsonian Rat Model With Porcine Neural Xenografts. Cell transplantation 2016, 25(2):301-311.

19.   Huang YS, Li IH, Chueh SH, Hueng DY, Tai MC, Liang CM, Lien SB, Sytwu HK, Ma KH: Mesenchymal stem cells from rat olfactory bulbs can differentiate into cells with cardiomyocyte characteristics. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2015, 9(12):E191-201.

20.   Chiu CH, Siow TY, Weng SJ, Hsu YH, Huang YS, Chang KW, Cheng CY, Ma KH: Effect of MDMA-Induced Axotomy on the Dorsal Raphe Forebrain Tract in Rats: An In Vivo Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. PloS one 2015, 10(9):e0138431.

21.   Chen YJ, Huang YS, Chen JT, Chen YH, Tai MC, Chen CL, Liang CM: Protective effects of glucosamine on oxidative-stress and ischemia/reperfusion-induced retinal injury. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2015, 56(3):1506-1516.


Our laboratory is interested in the investigation of the mechanism of the autophagy of MDMA –induced neurotoxicity and neuroprotective effects of mesenchymal stem cells.
Autophagy is a dynamic cellular pathway involved in the turnover of organelles and damaged proteins through lysosomal degradation, which plays a critical role in cell growth, differentiation and homeostasis. Moreover, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or ecstasy) is a popular recreational drug, and has also been shown to cause serotonergic and cortical neuron toxicity in the brain. While the role of autophagy in MDMA-induced neurotoxicity has not been investigated. Currently, We have showed the connection of MDMA- induced neurotoxicity and autophagy, and furthermore revealed the different effect of neuroprotective drug in the signaling pathway of autophagy.
Also, we have focus on the different role of mesenchymal stem cells. One of our study is working on the secreted neurotrophic factor from limbal mesenchymal cells and tested the effect on the wound rat brain. The other study is about the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells extracted from rat olfactory bulbs.

  • 更新日期:2023-12-15